Ahoy Mateys

Ahoy Mateys Captain & Her Crew the Story Catching Captain Willie (game) Food and Beverages Entertainment Cast and Crew Vendors 2025 ADULT Night SHOW !8 & UP ONLY THE ENCHANTED GLEN Where We will Be in 2025 HV Pirate Fest 2023 Gallery Mystik's Way Mother's Day Celebration PUCK EWE..Golf...with Sheep chicken Strippers, the game HV Pirate Fest 25 Tickets MkKrakynn Sister's for hire Adults only, Night Show Games

Hudson Valley Pirate Festival

Patrons, We will be open Rain or shine so please Come on out and play!

My name is Cheryl Olsen and together with  a Staff of fantastic,creative,dedicated ,tolerant friends & family, We bring to you :

Mystik Bazaar Events:

               Hudson Valley Pirate Festival . This all started 6yrs.ago after watching many Pirate Movies as well as Muppet Treasure Island, we thought " Hey..we love Pirates,lets do a Pirate festival,

On Sat & Sun. May 10th & 11th 2025 HV PIRATE FEST  returns to the Ulster County Fairgrounds for  A Weekend Long Celebration for Mother's Day!! More information to Follow. SAVE THE DATES!!


Pirate Wenches interested in joining the Ship...The Queen Cle' Toria, please email us at Mystikbazaar@gmail.com

Membership includes: A special Pirate Wench Pin, a song book with all the special songs we sing, a license to Wench,a paddle with your new Pirate Wench Name, signed by the Captain Herself! and a free drink at MkKrakynn's Pub, before attending the MkKrakynn Sisters Adult night show, the chance to join a group of Women that believe in the 4F's that are a true Pirate Wenches code!! Fight, Flirt,F**k,  & Freedom to do them all!!




This year as in the past years,  we are offering to you  our loyal friends a chance to Get off your Ship and sail with us!!

Remember when your part of HVPF, it has its privledges.

for more info on joining the ship please contact: Captain Morganna

mystikbazaar@gmail.com or call me (845)706-4307 Cheryl

The Ship is built but needs a crew, would ye be interested in sailing ?

We are accepting vendors for this years Festival 

Please contact us for an application:
